My deserved vacation came on Saturday and today I'm posting in Guaxupé!!
I'm seeing my cousing play with their paper airplane and being kids like they should be.. Boys will be boys always and they are very cute boys...
My girls, my cousins girls are more tenagers now, and like all tenagers girls the boys are like moth around them... It couldn't be diferent... They are so beautiful... in so many diferent styles... I'm really happy to see it...
The second semester of this year has started and wiht it the expectations of a lot of changes this year is coming... Re's and Mary's wedding, I'm moving to the USA, leaving the sorority, leaving my family, my friends, my sisters... and of course soon the Inside and Out will change too...
Soon I'll start to write in portuguese again, and the layout will change too...
A new life deserve a new blog.... but for now I'll continue to write in english... just to get used to do it more and more.
I'll be back in RP on wednesday, and on Friday I'll go Alpinópolis with Jackie!!
I'll only rest next week when I'll be in RP... but I'll be running after Re's "Chá Bar"....
Busy busy busy vacation...
Um comentário:
Qtos eventos!!
uFa!!! hahahaha
Vai voltar ao português???
No Brasil, vc escreve em inglês. No Eua, em português: que amiga diferente essa , a minha!!!
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