sexta-feira, 4 de junho de 2010

Winter Coats...

Imagine this....
Fall-Winter 2010, September 2010
Me, In NYC, taking lots and lots of pictures with glamorous coats like this...
Super Fashion han?!
I hardly can wait for this!!
Black heels pumps, with black turtle-neck, a hat to match it, and this red coat to end the look!!!
Please September.... come faster!!!

When it happens I promisse this pictures will be me as a model, and the scenery will be a snowy USA city, but first, a NYC fall!!

Um comentário:

Renata G.F. Scarpino disse...

Quero ver muuuuitas fotos direto das passarelas da moda, hein?
mas muuitas mesmo!!!
E quero Louis vuitton, dior, prada, kkkkkk